
We do not support osu!fx. Please don't use it.

This is the changelog. Changes are published here as soon as they hit the production status (as in, live on the website).

Author Subject Time
Lithium Fix Fokabot regex for -devserver option
Giuseppe Guerra Update oppai
Giuseppe Guerra 1.28.0
Giuseppe Guerra Tabs, removed some unused code
Giuseppe Guerra Merge branch 'master' of
Giuseppe Guerra Re-build dist for new rank request regex
Giuseppe Guerra Update np regex, 2.6.3
Giuseppe Guerra Fix total hits overflow
Skylocc imports
Skylocc oops
Skylocc oops
Skylocc fixed tabs
Skylocc fixed tabs
Lithium Enable requests for new osu website links
Skylocc Dictionary ouput for failed or retried scores.
Skylocc updated charts
RealistikDash stop osu client resending failed scores
RealistikDash stop osu client resending failed scores
Giuseppe Guerra Updated submodule secret
Giuseppe Guerra Updated submodule secret
Giuseppe Guerra Update submodule secret
Giuseppe Guerra Removed verbose is_ppy log
Giuseppe Guerra Ensure is_ppy in persistent clients
Giuseppe Guerra Fix undefined main_link
Giuseppe Guerra Fix parenthesis
Giuseppe Guerra Add support for -devserver
Giuseppe Guerra Add ppy_expires_on bancho setting
Giuseppe Guerra Add support for ppy_expires_on bancho setting
Giuseppe Guerra Add support for connecting directly to
Giuseppe Guerra Changed beatmap ranked message
Giuseppe Guerra Removed unused code
Giuseppe Guerra Update composer dependencies
Lithium Remove reddit link
Giuseppe Guerra NOW() -> UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
Giuseppe Guerra Use op rather than opSync for global donor reset query
Giuseppe Guerra Update cron.go
Maximilian Kruse Fix SQL
Maximilian Kruse Send emails when map gets ranked
Lithium Update fokabot version to 2.6.2
Maximilian Kruse Remove bloodcat download links
Maximilian Kruse Long. Live. Beatconnect.
Lithium Change default rankRequestsQueueSize to 100 maps
Lithium Actually display rank requests from 1 week ago...
Lithium Update to always determine by score, not failed state
Lithium Change Rank request display to be for the last week
Lithium Change NV (novideo, old clients) to TD (touch device)
Giuseppe Guerra Updated submodule website-docs
Giuseppe Guerra Bad copy paste
Giuseppe Guerra Deploy pipeline
Giuseppe Guerra Tournament: Support for head to head, add debug commands