
We do not support osu!fx. Please don't use it.

This is the changelog. Changes are published here as soon as they hit the production status (as in, live on the website).

Author Subject Time
Maximilian Kruse Add support for /s/ and /beatmapsets/ urls
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Fix Dockerfile name
Giuseppe Guerra v1.1.2
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Add .gitlab-ci.yml
Giuseppe Guerra UsersSelfSettingsPOST: Fix 400 when for donor users when no badge is set
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Tag latest
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Do not push commit sha tag, push latest tag
Giuseppe Guerra Renamed gitlab ci file
Giuseppe Guerra Removed drone, add gitlab ci
Giuseppe Guerra Add index to user_badges
Lithium Check if user has verified badge before autorestrict
Lithium fix styling for connection guide button
Lithium remove "download Server Switcher" button
Giuseppe Guerra Removed branch calc-no-replay in submodule pp/maniapp-osu-tools
Giuseppe Guerra Update submodule maniapp-osu-tools
Giuseppe Guerra Switch to relative submodules paths
Giuseppe Guerra Add gitlab-ci.yml
Giuseppe Guerra Update js dist
Giuseppe Guerra Update to Twemoji 14.0.2, fix twemoji base cdn url
Giuseppe Guerra Base.html: Pin twemoji 2.2.5
Lithium Update base.html to use latest unpkg version of twemoji
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Fix missing submodule clone
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Pass tag to tag-image-with-version
Giuseppe Guerra Removed drone badge from README
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Fix .gitlab-ci.yml
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Add .gitlab-ci.yml
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Moved service variables to global variables
Giuseppe Guerra CI: cleanup
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Fix IMAGE_SHA
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Fix terrible sin
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Add build-arg GIT_COMMIT_SHA
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Change env vars for release stage
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Rebase -> pull
Giuseppe Guerra CI: cleanup
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Omit release job in production branch
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Remove needs test from build-docker job
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Add git to release job
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Do not re-run test and build for production branch
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Add release and deploy stages
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Add deploy step, use https to clone submodules
Giuseppe Guerra Add .gitlab-ci.yml
Giuseppe Guerra Use relative paths in submodules
Ripple Auto Deploy Bot Update README
Ripple Auto Deploy Bot Add final log when incremental backup is done
Giuseppe Guerra CI: Add deploy step and docker_sock volume to .drone.yml
Giuseppe Guerra Medium API: Add const snipMaxLength
Giuseppe Guerra Comply with new /v1/blog/posts response
Giuseppe Guerra Fix Medium API proxy not working
Lithium Update navbar.html to point to the connection guide instead of the server switcher
Giuseppe Guerra 20.10.1